Issue no.5 2024 
Online archive of all issues of SPHERE avalible here: https://sphere-archive.com/
To view full contribution on desktop, follow this link and click MARLEE McMAHON:  https://sphere-archive.com/issue-5-

18 May – 15 June 2024, Shadow Crossed The Sky,  Sutton Gallery, Naarm, AU All are welcome to join me for the opening of my solo show on Saturday the 18th of May from 3-5pm.
Photo by Dane Lovett @a_photographic_record

2 Jun 2024, SPHERE Artist Publication Launch, The Castlemaine Museum of Art.

I am really excited to partake in issue 5 of SPHERE, an ongoing artist book project.
The new issues of SPHERE will be launched on the 2nd of June at The Melbourne Art Book Fair and The Castlemaine Museum of Art.
SPHERE is organised by Justin Andrews with guest co-editor Jacqueline Stojanović.  Here> ~www.sphere-archive.com ~ is where you can find a full online archive of previous issues and more details about the project.

Image 1: Page one of my submission
Image 2: Sphere 1 – 4 2022 
Artist book, each issue ed. of 20
Acrylic screen print and laser printed imagery on thermally bound Envirocare 100% recycled card and paper. 21 x 29.7cm each
photo: Camille Perry.
appearing on this website as a screenshot from @sphere_archive Instagram

22 – 25 Feb 2024, Melbourne Art Fair, Sutton Gallery, Naarm, AU
I am looking forward to show a new painting titled ‘Curtains Are Shut’ alongside numerous represented artists. Sutton will exhibit a suite of Gordon Bennett’s abstract paintings, titled
‘Thin Lines’ : Booth C2

Photo by Andrew Curtis

2024   Finalist - Sluijtersprijs, Amsterdam

7 – 10 Sep 2023, Sydney Contemporary, Sutton Gallery, Sydney, AU

Image Gian Manik

8– 14 July 2023, four meter high ceilings, Karel Doormanhof 45, Rotterdam, NL
Review on Metropolis M here

Poster design by Kate Rebecca Price